About Us

Faculty and Researchers

Over 50 faculty and researchers in addition to countless students have contributed since the launch of the MAE Center in 1997 to the success of the Center.

First Name Last Name E-mail Address
Adel Abdelnaby bdelnaby@memphis.edu
Luc Anselin anselin@illinois.edu
Jong-Wha Bai jbai@calbaptist.edu
Paul Bodin bodin@ceri.memphis.edu
Ann Bostrom ann.bostrom@pubpolicy.gatech.edu
Joseph Bracci j-bracci@tamu.edu
Arsenio Caceres acaceres@ce.uprm.edu
James Craig james.craig@ae.gatech.edu
Brad Cross bcross@siue.edu
Reginald DesRoches reginald.desroches@ce.gatech.edu
Robin Dillon-Merrill rld9@georgetown.edu
Michelle Dry mdry@memphis.edu
Leonardo Duenas-Osorio leonardo.duenas-osorio@rice.edu
Shirley Dyke sdyke@seas.wustl.edu
Hazem Elanwar alanwar2@illinois.edu
Bruce Ellingwood bruce.ellingwood@ce.gatech.edu
Amr Elnashai aelnash@illinois.edu
Khaled El-Rayes elrayes@illinois.edu
Edward Feser feser@illinois.edu
Thomas Finholt finholt@umich.edu
Steven French steve.french@arch.gatech.edu
Paolo Gardoni gardoni@illinois.edu
Bora Gencturk bgencturk@uh.edu
David Gillespie davidg@gwbmail.wustl.edu
John Gnuschke jgnuschk@memphis.edu
Luis Godoy lgodoy@uprm.edu
Barry Goodno barry.goodno@ce.gatech.edu
Phillip Gould pgoul@seas.wustl.edu
Jerome Hajjar jfhajjar@illinois.edu
Youssef Hashash hashash@illinois.edu
Arleen Hill ahill@memphis.edu
Mary Beth Hueste mhueste@tamu.edu
Daniel Kuchma kuchma@illinois.edu
James LaFave jlafave@illinois.edu
Charles Langston langston@ceri.memphis.edu
Ricardo Lopez Ricardo@ce.uprm.edu
Hussam Mahmoud hussam.mahmoud@colostate.edu
Paul Mayne paul.mayne@ce.gatech.edu
Julia Melkers jmelkers@uic.edu
Do-Soo Moon dmoon3@illinois.edu
James Myers jimmyers@illinois.edu
Christopher Navarro cnavarro@ncsa.illinois.edu
Robert Olshansky robo@illinois.edu
Jamie Padgett jamie.padgett@rice.edu
Gary Patterson patterson@ceri.memphis.edu
Walter Peacock peacock@tamu.edu
Christine Powell powell@ceri.memphis.edu
Glenn Rix glenn.rix@ce.gatech.edu
Havidan Rodriguez havidan@udel.edu
David Rosowsky drosowsky@civil.tamu.edu
Ali Saffar asaffar@uprm.edu
Robert Smalley rsmalley@memphis.edu
Scott Smith srsmith@ee.siue.edu
Junho Song junho@illinois.edu
Bill Spencer bfs@illinois.edu
Kevin Truman ktrum@seas.wustl.edu
Travis Waller stw@mail.utexas.edu
Christopher Weible chris.weible@pubpolicy.gatech.edu
Eric Welch ewwelch@uic.edu